The S-BPM modelling technique as an enabling tool for representation of agency and situation
Abstract (contribution to ECCE 2011 (Rostock, Germany)), with Nils Meyer
Motivation. Modelling and representing knowledge about activities and communication by using the S-BPM modelling technique sets focus on the participants and their behaviour in a situation.
Research approach. A desk research was used, in which the S-BPM modelling approach – originally designed to model business processes – has been analysed regarding its ability to represent agency and situation when describing activities and communication.
Findings/Design. The result shows that S-BPM can be used as a tool for representation of agency and situation due to its 2-level approach. This approach divides between communication design and different behaviours for the involved actors.
Take away message. The modelling technique described in this paper seems to be easily understandable even to untrained users due to its simplicity.